News items by Tag: News Category

Charity campaigns to banish the bedroom tax 'monster'

Housing charity Shelter Scotland has launched a campaign to get the UK government's controversial bedroom tax abolished.

The charity's 'Banish the Bedroom Tax Monster' campaign calls on Scotland’s politicians in Westminster, Holyrood and in local authorities to do more to support households affected by the under-occupancy policy. 

Horror at ‘bedroom tax’ suicide bid

Shocked staff at a Fife centre looked on in horror as a man said to be desperate for help over the ‘bedroom tax’ pulled out a knife and tried to cut himself.

According to one person, who asked not to be named, the apparent suicide bid ended in “blood everywhere — all over the walls and counters”. 

UN to investigate bedroom tax

A United Nations representative is to take part in a meeting to hear how the bedroom tax is affecting the UK's social housing tenants.

Raquel Rolnik, the UN's special rapporteur on the right to adequate housing, will hear from groups from all over Britain at the Anti-Bedroom Tax and Benefit Justice Federation meeting in Manchester next week.