
Lord Freud exclusive: 'We are listening to social landlords on Universal Credit'

Minister for Welfare Reform Lord Freud says the Universal Credit demonstration projects have helped to shape new thinking around direct payments to tenants.

The demonstration projects were set up to learn how we could best support landlords and tenants with the introduction of direct payment. That learning is regularly shared and I’m sure all members of the social housing community have views on what it is teaching us. Because the roll out of Universal Credit is progressive we have time to get this right. 

Majority of Brits want government to tackle root causes of housing benefit bill

The majority of the British public believe the government should be tackling the root causes of the country’s high housing benefit bill.

A survey by the Fabian Society asked people if they agreed with the statement: "The size of the housing benefit bill has risen because there are more people claiming due to unemployment, low wages and rents rising quickly. Instead of planning further cuts, the government should be focusing on solving these underlying problems. The government should do this even if it took a long time and meant tax rises or spending cuts elsewhere." 

Universal Credit direct payment demonstration projects will be extended for six months

The Universal Credit direct payment demonstration projects will be extended for a further six months, Minister for Welfare Reform Lord Freud recently announced, as new findings from the projects are published.

The Department for Work and Pensions says the extension will help to further develop the support needed for social housing tenants moving onto Universal Credit. The projects will now run until the end of the year. 

Newham Council's private landlord licensing scheme hits 30,000 applications

Newham Council has received license applications from 30,000 private landlords as part of its pioneering scheme to improve housing conditions in the borough.

Since January 1 this year, the council has carried out 750 enforcement visits, issued 1,200 warning letters, and handed out 50 cautions. Thirty prosecutions, at various stages of the legal process, have been pursued since the scheme started. 

Landlord fined after blaze in rental property

A property management company described by the local authority as a landlord has been fined following a fire in an outbuilding that left two people in hospital.

Ace Management, of Kings Avenue, Winchmore Hill, London, was ordered to pay £12,000 after admitting renting out a house in Melfort Road, Thornton Heath, without being licensed to do so. 

One in four landlords plans to expand portfolio

Almost a quarter of buy-to-let landlords are planning to purchase at least one further property over the next 12 months.

According to a study by agents Allsop and market research firm BDRC Continental, 23% of landlords plan to grow their portfolios over the next year, and 61% are confident about the future for their businesses.   

Welsh minister slams Universal Credit

The Welsh government's minister for tackling poverty has warned that the coalition's Universal Credit (UC) system has thrown a question mark over the state's ability to deliver support to most vulnerable people.

Huw Lewis told assembly members in the Senedd how UC will have a knock-on impact on Welsh government support such as free school meals. 

Work programme 'failing homeless & disabled'

The government's Work Programme (WP) has been slammed by the Works and Pensions Committee, which has concluded that it is "unlikely" to help the most disadvantaged long-term unemployed.

“The performance of the WP in its first 14 months was poor. There are signs that it is now improving significantly for mainstream jobseekers. However, it has proved much less successful to date in addressing the problems faced by jobseekers who face more serious obstacles to finding a job – people with disabilities, homeless people, and those with a history of drug or alcohol abuse," said Dame Anne Begg MP, the committee's chair. 

London rents rise 7.6% in 12 months

Private rents across the UK have risen to their highest level since last November, according to the latest figures published today.

The LSL Buy-to-Let Property Index for April shows the average rent in England and Wales has risen by 0.2% since March to £736 per month. Continued growth leaves rents in April 3.9% higher than a year ago. 

Universal Credit direct payment pilots to be extended for further six months

The Universal Credit direct payment demonstration projects will be extended for a further six months, Minister for Welfare Reform Lord Freud announced today, as new findings from the projects are published.

The Department for Work and Pensions says the extension will help to further develop the support needed for social housing tenants moving onto Universal Credit. The projects will now run until the end of the year. 

Lord Freud: Bedroom tax suicide 'desperately sad'

Welfare reform minister Lord Freud has described a suicide linked to his controversial bedroom tax policy as a "desperately sad event".

Giving evidence to the House of Commons Welsh Affairs Committee, which is investigating the impact of housing benefit reforms in Wales, Lord Freud extended his condolences to the family of Stephanie Bottrill, who left a note in which she blamed the government for her death.