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£375 pcm (£87pw)

1 bedroom flat to rent

Eastgate, Louth, LN11 9NE

Housing Benefit Tenants: Yes
Owner's Position on Pets: No Pets

my-let reference for enquiries: 4293G5

Making Enquiries
Complete the form or call us on the number on this page (no need for both). Once you've completed the form, we'll email you straight back or if calling, quote our property reference, 4293G5 along with the full address, including the area.

Large, well presented, 2nd floor flat. No deposit. No fees. Suitable for working person.

Application Fees
Deposit: £0

Making Enquiries
Complete the form or call us on the number on this page (no need for both). Once you've completed the form, we'll email you straight back or if calling, quote our property reference, 4293G5 along with the full address, including the area.

Key Features

  • Electric heating

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