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Hartlepool is a town on the North Sea coast, close to Newcastle and Darlington. With a marina, beaches and a rich history, as a port city it has a lot to offer. We know that finding a landlord or letting agent that accepts DSS in Hartlepool can be an arduous process, which is why we’ve made it easy with our “DSS properties Hartlepool” page. We strive to connect those who are claiming housing benefits with landlords and letting agents, so finding a new home is easy. Browse the DSS housing results and get in contact with your new landlord now.

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Benefit claimants' personal data to be shared from February - 27/01/15

The government has changed the law to allow the Department for Work ... read more

50% of homeless made homeless under 21 - 07/01/15

Half of all homeless people first become homeless aged under 21, with ... read more

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